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Engagement Scoring

See how individuals engage with your organisation.

Jessie Thomas

View and analyse Jessie’s engagement with your company across several channels and numerous behaviours. Jessie’s engagement and behaviours contribute to an overall engagement score.

Engagement Score




Opens, clicks and forwards.



All event status interactions.

Landing Pages


Page visits, clicks and downloads.



Submissions and check-ins.



Replies and interactions.

Create numerous engagement scores

You can create multiple engagement scores for varying purposes. You decide which activities to track, and how much weight each activity is worth. For example, attending an event might be worth 50 points, whereas clicking within an email is worth 10 points. Based on your input, the system will generate engagement scores for your contacts.

You can use engagement scores to create new market segments, and combine them with other data such as demographics or client life-cycle stage.

Sales Score

Create a score for use by the sales team.

VIC Score

Check engagement across a particular state.

Event Score

Only take into account event interactions.

Marketing Score

Create a score for use by the marketing department.

New Contacts

Check engagement across new contacts.

Relationship Manager

View engagement by contacts’ relationship manager.

Highly Engaged







How engagement segmentation works
Use sliders to group contacts by engagement: highly engaged, engaged, neutral and inactive. Once you’ve formed your segments, add them to mail lists, export to Excel or drill down for a detailed view of individuals within a segment.

Segment based on engagement

What you would do if you were able to quickly determine the 20% of your audience who are most engaged with you? Invite them to a VIP event? Create a special communication? (Imagine the sky-high open and click rates on that one.) Alternatively, what would you do with inactive contacts? Create a reactivation campaign? This is the power of engagement segmentation.

Send contact scores and interactions to Salesforce

We’ve created a Salesforce app to allow you to seamlessly connect your Swift Digital account with your Salesforce account. Our integration passes all contact interactions to their Salesforce contact profile. In once glance, you can see all communications that have been sent to a contact, how they interacted with those communications (opens, clicks, etc.), which events they were invited to and whether they attended or declined, and so much more. Have a look at some of the screenshots to the right which show interaction statistics within s Salesforce environment.

Lean more: Integration

Recent Engagement Scoring Related Articles

20 October 2017 in Engagement Scoring

Engagement Activities You Need to Pay Attention To

Engaging leads and customers on a mass scale is far easier now, thanks to the digital age, but it can also be overwhelming. With so many channels to pursue, and so much to measure in the process, it can be difficult to know where to start. Below, we have taken…
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